Market Trends and Analysis

Buying and Selling Tips The Perks of Selling Your House When Inventory Is Low  The Perks of Selling Your House When Inventory Is Low When it comes to selling your house, you’re probably trying to juggle the current market conditions and your own needs as you plan your move. One thing that may be working in your favor is how few homes there are for sale right now. Here’s what you need […]
Market Trends and Analysis Why Home Prices Keep Going Up Why Home Prices Keep Going Up If you’ve ever dreamed of buying your own place, or selling your current house to upgrade, you’re no stranger to the rollercoaster of emotions changing home prices can stir up. It’s a tale of financial goals, doubts, and a dash of anxiety that many have been through. But if you put […]
Market Trends and Analysis What Experts Project for Home Prices Over the Next 5 Years What Experts Project for Home Prices Over the Next 5 Years If you’re planning to buy a home, one thing to consider is what experts project home prices will do in the future and how that might affect your investment. While you may have seen negative news over the past year about home prices, they’re doing far better […]
Market Trends and Analysis Expert Home Price Forecasts Revised Up for 2023 Expert Home Price Forecasts Revised Up for 2023 Toward the end of last year, there were a number of headlines saying home prices were going to fall substantially in 2023. That led to a lot of fear and questions about whether there was going to be a repeat of the housing crash that happened back in 2008. […]
Financing and Mortgages Mortgage Rates: Past, Present, and Possible Future Mortgage Rates: Past, Present, and Possible Future If you’re hoping to buy a home this year, you’re probably paying close attention to mortgage rates. Since mortgage rates impact what you can afford when you take out a home loan – and affordability is a challenge today – it’s a good time to look at the big picture of […]
Market Trends and Analysis How Inflation Affects the Housing Market How Inflation Affects the Housing Market Have you ever wondered how inflation impacts the housing market? Believe it or not, they’re connected. Whenever there are changes to one, both are affected. Here’s a high-level overview of the connection between the two. The Relationship Between Housing Inflation and Overall Inflation Shelter inflation is the measure of price growth specific […]
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